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Let's Start with hello

We have been praying specifically for you. We have been praying for your peace, wisdom, and faith. We THANK YOU for taking the time to view our profile and we are in awe of how courageous you are. It is our hope that our story will provide you with great peace.


We are parents to 2 biological boys, ages 5 and 7. We have 8 angel babies in heaven (6 miscarriages and 2 ectopic pregnancies). We felt the calling from God to share our hearts, home, and lives with additional children through adoption.


We can’t wait to love another little one with all of our hearts, and for our boys to play with and make memories with a little sibling. We will do our absolute best to meet all the physical and emotional needs of an adopted child, while providing the love and support they need to thrive as they grow and mature into adulthood. We will teach them about God’s love and sacrifice.

With Love, Eva and Janek

Our Story began 30 years ago


Eva and I met when she was 8 and I was 12. We were neighbors and became childhood friends. We shared the same friends, we both served as altar servers at church and then as dance partners in a dance group. The spark started growing and we started dating when we were in college. For the next few years we had a long distance relationship between New York and Alabama, where Eva was in graduate school. When I visited, we would take road trips to Atlanta, Nashville, Orlando, or camping and whitewater rafting. I proposed to Eva in Memphis on a horse drawn carriage. As the driver was taking us through downtown, I was quiet to see when to propose, but Eva, being talkative, started chatting with the driver about the city. We went through one park, and another park. Eventually, in a humorous voice I said if she could just be quiet and let the driver drive the carriage. That did the trick because she was a little bit taken aback. Then I pulled the ring from my pocket and asked her to be my wife. We were married the following year.

Our Marriage









We were married in 2011. It has been full of excitement, adventures, and challenges. We experienced great loss – 8 pregnancy losses and infertility. Through it all, our love, commitment, and faith has grown. It is through our relationship and faith, that we feel the strongest desire and call to adopt.


Janek is a wonderful husband. He is caring, selfless, and puts our family as priority. He is grounded in our faith and trusts the Lord in all circumstances.


Eva is a loving and caring wife. Her faith in God and Jesus is great. She cultivates our faith at home by praying with our children and teaching them about Jesus.


Our marriage is teamwork! Our goal is to help each other reach heaven. We work on our relationship every day, and we teach our children the values of a strong, dedicated, and supportive marriage.


“Everyday I am so grateful that I am married to Janek.“ –Eva


All About


Race/Ethnicity: White, Polish

Religion: Catholic

Language: English, Polish


Education: Doctorate PhD

Microbiology - University of Alabama at Birmingham


Profession: Stay at home mom

Adjunct professor of Microbiology in the Nursing Program at University (part-time)


About Eva, by Janek

I fell in love with Eva for her compassion and faith. She is caring and dedicated, at home as a loving mother and wife, and at
the university as a professor to her students. Eva was made to be a mom! She
and our two sons have a wonderful relationship; she is patient and nurturing. She is always engaging with our children and listening to their needs. Eva is a loving wife that enjoys getting me surprises – but usually can’t keep the surprise a secret and ends up telling me what it is.


She loves spending time with our family, even if it’s outside of her comfort zone – like hiking up high mountains. She enjoys camping, hiking, going to museums, fairs, and farmer markets. At home she enjoys gardening, cooking, and baking. Eva makes our home a loving place full of energy.


“ Eva was made to be a mom!” –Janek


Race/Ethnicity: White, Polish

Religion: Catholic

Language: English, Polish


Education: Doctorate PhD, Electrical Engineering

University of Alabama in Huntsville


Profession: Electronics Engineer for the

Department of the Air Force (full time)


Army Veteran




All About



About Janek, by Eva

Janek is my best friend! He is kind, compassionate, and it never ceases to amaze me how far he will go to help someone in need. I admire him for staying strong when his parents passed away when he was a teenager. He has shown great character and determination when he joined the US Army. God has called Janek to be a father and a husband, because he always takes the best care of our family. His ability to set and achieve goals has always encouraged me and reminds me to keep pursuing my dreams. He shows his love by rocking our children to sleep, kissing my forehead, holding my hand, dancing in the kitchen, always answering every question from our boys, and having our sons follow him like small shadows everywhere. Janek enjoys playing soccer, hiking, hunting, and traveling.


“God has called Janek to be a father and a husband, because he always takes the best care of our children and me.” –Eva





Jakub (we call him Kuba) was born in 2016 and has the kindest heart. He loves his family greatly and enjoys teaching his younger brother. He is learning to read in both Polish and English. He enjoys playing with trains, ice cream dates with Mom, playing soccer with Dad, and gardening with grandma. He prays for a new sibling every night.





Karl (we call him Lolek – for the Polish version of his name) was born in 2018 and is always smiling and laughing. He loves storytelling and sees every day as a new adventure. He wants to do everything with Kuba. He loves to ride his tractor and plays construction with trucks and sand. He enjoys tractor rides with Dad, cooking with Mom, and reading with grandma.


Our Home


We live in a quiet, family friendly area of Central New York. We are close for day trips to the Adirondack Mountains. Our home has 5 bedrooms, 2.5 bathrooms. We have plenty of outdoor space to run and for adventures in the forest on our 4 acres of land. We have a chicken coop with 20 chickens and many chicks, and fish. We also have fruit trees, berry bushes, and a vegetable garden. We love our community and neighbors with many young families on our street. We are minutes away from our church, shopping, schools, parks, and grandma’s house. We have lived here since fall of 2016.


We have close friendships with our neighbors. Our home is surrounded by beautiful pine trees and small farms. One of our neighbors has horses, and Kuba loves to read to the horses while Karl always enjoys watching them play.

Our Community


In addition to a large extended family, we are blessed to have a loving and supportive community at church and school! Our children have witnessed this love with surprise dinner deliveries, unexpected birthday balloons, and help with house projects.



Kuba attends a small public school a few miles away from our home. Karl attends preschool two days a week with a small class. We support and encourage our children to pursue their interests and talents. Kuba loves to paint and participates in the art programs at the museum. Both of the boys enjoy religion-based summer camps, and learning about Christ with friends.


Eva mentors local middle school students by inviting them to the college laboratories and together they work on small research projects. This provides an opportunity to give back to the local community.


Janek enjoys working with local veteran groups and our Church community. He is the President of the Polish Veterans Association.

Our Family


Janek has four older brothers. Pawel is married and has four children. Our children love to play and swim with cousins. Tom loves to garden with Kuba and Karl. Greg enjoys playing cars and trains with the boys. Chris is married and has one daughter. Although Chris lives 3 hours away, we get together often to celebrate birthdays and holidays.


​​We also have a great extended family of uncles and aunts and cousins. Godmother Krystyna loves to bake with Kuba. Every summer the extended family comes together for camping trips, BBQs, pool parties, beach trips, and pilgrimages to churches. Sadly, Janek’s parents have passed away. Every Sunday, after Mass we drive to the cemetery to water flowers, light candles and to give kisses to grandma and grandpa in heaven. We have extended family in Birmingham, Chicago, NYC, Connecticut, and back in Poland, and we love to travel and visit family any chance we get.



Meet Grandma


Eva’s mom lives 10 minutes away and is a huge help and support. Grandma (boys call her Baba) has a special gift of connecting with children. She was an elementary and high school teacher for over 25 years. The boys love sitting in her lap, planting flowers, crafting, and most of all reading and storytelling under blankets in the rocking chair. Kuba loves to have Saturday night sleepovers at Baba’s house – where ice cream with sprinkles is always for dessert.


Extended Family



Our Daily Life



We work hard to connect with our children, and to instill a strong sense of family and support for one another. One aspect is daily breakfast and dinner together as a family. The children help with dinner preparation and clearing the table. Most evenings we make time for family games, riding bicycles, going for walks, and always reading in bed and praying together. On the weekends, we spend time on mini family adventures – exploring parks, hiking, taste tasting new donuts, farmers markets, zoos, museums, and conquering mountains!

  • Waking up to bedroom being decorated with balloons on Birthday

  • Baking with Mom birthday cakes

  • Reading in bed every night

  • Walking with Dad in Army uniform

  • Blessing Easter baskets

  • Visiting new Catholic Church when traveling

  • Cutting a fresh Christmas tree together

  • Sleeping under the Christmas tree

  • Baking cookies on rainy days

  • Campfire dinners

  • Mushrooms picking

  • Strawberry picking

  • Singing Marian Hymns

  • Divine Mercy Novena

Family Traditions



Love to Travel


Our favorite trips include Atlanta, Washington DC, Hawaii, Vancouver, Grand Canyon, and Rome, Italy. We also love visiting family and friends in Birmingham, Alabama, Chicago, and New York City. We enjoy camping and hiking trips on the weekends.


Family Mission


It is our mission as parents that all our children know and feel that they are unconditionally loved by us, but even more importantly, that they know they are loved by God and are made in His image. It is our main goal to parent our children with the grace and love Jesus offers to each one of us. Our job as parents is to nurture, guide, teach, support, and encourage our children in their vocations, talents, interests, education, and faith. Our mission is to protect, love, and nurture their goodness.


Our Heritage

We both immigrated to the United States from Poland, Europe as children. Our families immigrated for a better life and to escape Communism. While as children, Janek and Eva danced together in a Polish dance group. Polish heritage and culture are important in our home. We teach our children Polish language, and often call family members still back in Poland. Kuba is learning to read and write in Polish. Karl enjoys singing folk songs. In 2022, we traveled to Poland to show our childhood homes and meet our extended family.

We are proud Americans, and love America. Janek served in the Army for 4 years, and now works for the Air Force as an engineer. We believe it is important to teach our children to love their backgrounds, and to respect all people.


Our Promises to


you and your baby


We promise to give all children in our care the best of ourselves, our energy, time, and love! We promise to remind them through our actions and words that they are safe, they are loved, they are enough, they are wanted, and that they belong. We will be their biggest cheerleader and will be at every practice, game, recital, graduation, and every moment in between! They will know that no matter whatever life challenges they encounter, that they will have a constant and steadfast support system. We will teach them about God’s love. We promise to teach them about their adoption story and will always honor and remember your sacrifice and strength. We will love and respect you.

In Closing

Thank you again for sharing your time to get to know us. We are praying for you.


We admire and respect you so much for considering an adoption for your child.


We are very humbled that you would consider us as adoptive parents. We are overjoyed to grow our family.


... He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.
Philippians 1:6


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